Intresseanmälan för utlandsstudier Fyll i formuläret nedan om du vill få hjälp att hitta och ansöka till passande skolor i det studieland du är intresserad av. Då får du också vår Utlandsstudiehandbok och tillgång till våra stipendier. Du förbinder dig inte till något, vi hjälper dig kostnadsfritt.
Är du antagen till en skola utomlands? Nej Ja
Nationality: -- select one -- Albanian Andorran Austrian Belarusian Belgian Bosnian British Bulgarian Croatian Cypriot Czech Danish Dutch Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Icelander Irish Italian Kosovan Latvian Liechtensteiner Lithuanian Luxembourger Macedonian Maltese Moldovan Monacan Montenegrin Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian San Marinese Serbian Slovakian Slovenian Spanish Swedish Swiss Ukrainian American Antiguans Bahamian Barbadian Belizean Canadian Cuban Dominican Dominican Grenadian Guatemalan Haitian Honduran Jamaican Kittian and Nevisian Mexican Nicaraguan Panamanian Saint Lucian Salvadoran Trinidadian or Tobagonian Vincent and Grenadine Australian East Timorese Fijian I-Kiribati Marshallese Micronesian Nauruan New Zealander Ni-Vanuatu Palauan Papua New Guinean Samoan Solomon Islander Tongan Tuvaluan Afghan Armenian Azerbaijani Bahraini Bangladeshi Bhutanese Bruneian Burmese Cambodian Chinese Emirati Filipino Georgian Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Israeli Japanese Jordanian Kazakhstani Kuwaiti Kyrgyz Laotian Lebanese Malaysian Maldivan Mongolian Nepalese North Korean Omani Pakistani Palestinian Qatari Saudi Singaporean South Korean Sri Lankan Syrian Taiwanese Tajik Thai Turkish Turkmen Uzbekistani Vietnamese Yemenite Argentinean Bolivian Brazilian Chilean Colombian Costa Rican Ecuadorean Guyanese Paraguayan Peruvian Surinamer Uruguayan Venezuelan Algerian Angolan Batswana Beninese Burkinabe Burundian Cameroonian Cape Verdean Central African Chadian Comoran Congolese Djibouti Egyptian Equatorial Guinean Eritrean Ethiopian Gabonese Gambian Ghanaian Guinea-Bissauan Guinean Ivorian Kenyan Liberian Libyan Malagasy Malawian Malian Mauritanian Mauritian Moroccan Mostotho Mozambican Namibian Nigerian Nigerien Rwandan Sao Tomean Senegalese Seychellois Sierra Leonean Somali South African South Sudanese Sudanese Swazi Tanzanian Togolese Tunisian Ugandan Zambian Zimbabwean
Budget: What's your budget for studying abroad? 0-$10000 (too little to study abroad on a student visa) $10000-$25000 (too little to study in the US, Australia, UK, UAE or Switzerland) $25000-$50000 (minimum for degree programs abroad) $50000-$100000 More than $100000
Your full name:
Education level:
Din högsta utbildningsnivå
Jag går på gymnasiet
Jag har tagit gymnasieexamen
Jag studerar på en högskola men har inte tagit examen
Jag har tagit en kandidatexamen/Bachelor
Jag har tagit en Magister eller Master
Annat förklara nedan
What and where do you want to study abroad:
I want to study in:
In which country do you want to study?
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Europe - any European country
New Zealand
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Other country:
You seem to have selected to study abroad in the country where you live. We can only help you to study abroad so please double check that you choose the right Country of study above or explain in the message box below (for example if you currently don't live in your native country).
Where in the US?: Choose your preferred locations Arizona California Colorado and Utah Florida New York and New England Midwest - Illionois and Minnesota Washington State and Seattle Other part of the US or does not matter
Choose program type
Language courses 1-40 weeks (språkkurser utomlands)
1-2 Study Abroad semesters (fristående kurser på universitet)
Undergraduate Degree 2-4 years at college/university (kandidatexamen - efter gymnasiet)
Master's Degree 1-2 years at university (om du redan har en kandidatexamen)
High School (gymnasieår utomlands för dig som är 14-18 år)
Other - please specify below
Due to visa and agreement issues we can only help you with language courses in this country, not any other university programs.
Course length: How long course do you want to take? 1-6 weeks 7-12 weeks 13-19 weeks 20-39 weeks 40+ weeks
Course start:
When do you want to start?
As soon as possible
Summer 2025
Fall 2025
Spring 2026
Summer 2026
Fall 2026
Later than 2026 (too far ahead, contact us later)
Year of birth:
Language of study: What language do you want to study in? I want to study in English I want to study in Spanish Spanish or English
Grades: What are your grades from school? I have top grades My grades are above average My grades are average My grades are below average I have failed several subjects Other explain below
Phone/Whatsapp: +1 +1-241 +1-245 +1-250 +1-267 +1-472 +1-757 +1-766 +1-783 +1-809 +1-867 +1-868 +1-875 +20 +211 +212 +213 +216 +218 +220 +221 +222 +223 +224 +225 +226 +227 +228 +229 +230 +231 +232 +233 +234 +235 +236 +237 +238 +239 +240 +241 +242 +244 +245 +248 +249 +251 +252 +253 +254 +255 +256 +257 +258 +260 +261 +263 +264 +265 +266 +267 +268 +269 +27 +291 +30 +31 +32 +33 +34 +351 +352 +353 +354 +355 +356 +357 +358 +359 +36 +370 +371 +372 +373 +374 +375 +376 +377 +378 +380 +381 +382 +383 +385 +386 +387 +389 +39 +40 +41 +420 +421 +423 +43 +44 +45 +46 +47 +48 +49 +501 +502 +503 +504 +505 +506 +507 +509 +51 +52 +53 +54 +55 +56 +57 +58 +591 +592 +593 +595 +597 +598 +60 +61 +62 +63 +64 +65 +66 +670 +673 +674 +675 +676 +677 +678 +679 +680 +685 +686 +688 +691 +692 +7 +81 +82 +84 +850 +855 +856 +86 +880 +886 +90 +91 +92 +93 +94 +95 +960 +961 +962 +963 +964 +965 +966 +967 +968 +970 +971 +972 +973 +974 +975 +976 +977 +98 +992 +993 +994 +995 +996 +998
Message (in English) - what & where do you want to study?:
Newsletter: I want to get your newsletters with study abroad advice (max 1/month).